PTA Contacts

Walnut Grove PTA 2023-24 Executive Officers 

We are excited to serve our school with such a dynamic, friendly, and engaged group of volunteers and look forward to serving the Walnut Grove community as best as we can. If you see us around school, please say hi, and feel free to give us your ideas about how we can help make our school the best it can be! 

President Margo Shimy

Executive Vice President                    Jeniel Beltran

VP Student, Community & Health    Liana Moshell 

VP Fundraising  OPEN

VP Education Services Erin LaMoyne

VP Communications Stacy Merrill

VP Hospitality Brandy Fugate

Treasurer  Anna Xinyi Song

Financial Secretary Jessica Plotts

Auditor Brett Lange

Historian OPEN

Secretary Emily Lange

Parliamentarian  Camron Shimy

Teacher Representative OPEN